Saturday, June 27, 2009

5 "Opening a can of whoop ass" songs


I am "crazy biceps." I was given birth to by a half puerto-rican half wolf creature I like to refer to as "mom." And yes, ladies, I was born with a full grown beard. I appreciate a lot of genres of music and I prefer more specific genres such as "gothic rock" or "post punk" instead of the general "metal" or "country." I don't want to sound egotistical/cliche, but I fucking listen to a shit ton of genres. My favorite genre is electronic music, more specifically french electro...but I enjoy a lot of trip hop, math rock, noise-core, synth-pop, post punk, post rock, classic country, etc. etc. I am contributing because I download music like a fentanyl addict and sharing is motherfucking caring.

Kicking some ass? Think you need some jams to soundtrack your brutal ass-whoopin'?

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I bequeath:

Five songs you may or may not want to hear whilst kicking ass:

1. Motor- SebastiAn
2. Painkiller- Judas Priest
3. Bamboo Banga- M.I.A.
4. The Horror- RJD2
5. Shitstorm- Strapping Young Lad

1. I am a huge fan of french electro. Good for throwing upper me. I know from experience. Lots of experience. *shifty eyes*
2. What ass kicking playlist is not complete without a classic heavy metal piece? Nigga please.
3. Okay. So. M.I.A. may have totally fucking sold out with all that "Paper Planes" bullfuckingshit, but this song is a klassic that should be ALWAYS accompany an ass-kicking.
4. Some instrumental hip hop. It has a very manly feel to it.
5. I would genre-rize this as Thrash Metal. Good for a THRASHING. GET IT? GET IT?! You don't get it. Fuckballs.


  1. Yeah SebastiAn! Good to see another electro writer on the site.

  2. I fully endorse #4 on this playlist. RJD2 often makes truely amazing beats that you can feel to the very core of your body when you really get into them. "The Horror" is definitely no exception. (It also helps tremendously having a good subwoofer system in whatever you listen to it with, the lower notes literally vibrate my bones when I listen to his tracks in my car)
