1. Lady GaGa
2. Lil Wayne
3. Hannah Montana
4. Lil Jon
5. Jonas Brothers
Boom Boom Pow by Black Eyed Peas is, in my personal opinion, tremendously bad. Most of the Top 100 list on I-Tunes aren't very good music.
I would prefer this to most of it.

From Failblog.org
Seriously, only Journey and Kanye West are worth a damn. Coldplay, Eminem, Green Day are on there, but their new CD's are shit.
Kings of Leon has one good song. I must admit though, that Rob Thomas, The Fray and Jason Mraz are occasional guilty pleasures. A few old Dave Matthews Band songs are good. Linkin Park was good when we were teenagers, and should have stopped after Meteora. But that's about 10 percent of the list. The other 90% is garbage.
There is this current trend in shrill, poppy, autotuned, indistinguishable choruses. T-Pain, Beyonce, Natasha, Sean Kingston. I love hip-hop and R&B, but Jay-Z put it best -D.O.A, Death of AutoTune.
Simply put, it's not about mainstream or underground. It's about good music. There is a fair amount of good stuff in both scenes, as well as crap.
Fuck the concept of rebellion against the machine, against the corporation, against whatever intangible shackles that supposedly nail us down. I'll listen to my Mogwai, Lemon Jelly, Coldplay, System of a Down, and be angsty, emo, nerdy, jock and actually do something that quite a few kids don't do.
I'll just - "Actually Enjoy Music." - Jeph Jacques
Look at the comments - it's entertaining.
I personally latched myself onto the "indie clique borg" many many years ago, and I'll tell you one thing right now, if you continue to live this lie of "anything mainstream is shit" or "anything that's not on an indie label is just overproduced and crappy" then you're not really the open minded audiophile that you claim to be. I personally, love Lady Gaga because she's fresh, she writes her own music, she makes a statement, albeit a very strange one, and she basically takes no shit from no one. Now, see, you're missing out on so much with your labels that you simultaneously and paradoxically hate. Not that I'm telling you to go out and throw on some Hannah Montana, because when you speak about kids trying to fit in by using their parents disposable incomes to purchase cds this is the kind of artist you so very pretentiously speak of.
ReplyDeleteNow, I read your last paragraph and am confused. Are you actually rebelling against your rebellious indie self and thus are telling us all to dig out our mainstream trash and enjoy it? Or what?
I'm finished with this blog after reading back a month trying to find some substance. You'll do well after some good self-evaluation. I know it's hip to disgard your rich pretty boy roots and throw on your thrift store wardrobe, but indie music, and music in general is so much more than that.
Music is a soul. And no one can put a label on that.
I'm not simply hating mainstream music for the sake of hating mainstream music. I actually love quite a bit of it, however I personally dislike Lady Gaga, it's just personal preference. You have misunderstood my message and gone on a hate rant and I apologize, this was poorly written.
ReplyDeleteTo sum up, I agree with you, Music is a soul. And there is a fair amount of good stuff in mainstream and underground. I simply just want to expose both sides. I was looking at another comment, and we're not trying to be recent, we are just trying to post good music. That's all. I hope you simply enjoy it all, and please give us any suggestions, it sounds like you may have good taste.