Simian Mobile Disco are back with a new record that will rock your socks off. Hitting shelves last week, their new record Temporary Pleasure has just eased it's way in to my pick for favorite record of 2009. The duo, formed from the ashes of rock group Simian which was most famous for the hit "Never Be Alone", released the album Attack Decay Sustain Release to much acclaim in 2007 and has been touring ever since. I must say that this is a well worthy follow-up to Attack... and it's too early to say this but, it might even be better!
The album opens up with "Cream Dream", a track that is almost reminiscent of The Who's "Baba O'Reilly" in it's epic electronic orchestration getting louder and louder in order to prepare you for what's in store. The album then goes into the already released "Audacity of Huge" which I wasn't crazy about when I first heard it but takes awhile to get into. The presentation of it on the album really did it for me as guest vocalist Chris Keating lists all the cool things he has (And I mean it, they are cool things). My favorite on the album so far is "Off The Map." The vocals are slow and stoic over a beat that is so fast but so chill at the same time.
Overall though, the album starts off high and ends that way, there are no points where you'd want to skip tracks. Definitely, my favorite of 2009 thus far. Check it out- it's Simian Mobile Disco's Temporary Pleasure.